
Late Drop-off @ All Sites

Late Drop-off was extended to all sites. We wanted everyone to be able to have enough time to drop off their packages without rushing in the middle of the week.


2013 Holiday Drive

Well time is winding up and we are down to the wire, and the Holiday Drive starts in just 4 days. What excitement we are experiencing with such a welcoming response to local businesses. A special thanks the following companies who jumped on board to support our project as drop-off locations: Doria Me’Chelle Salon and Spa, Washington Federal, MidState Bank, Foothills Golf Club, Ahwatukee Country Club, Club West Golf Club, and The Duke at Rancho El Dorado.

Seven down, and five more to go!


Hello, Visitors!

Welcome to Operation Christmas Smile. We are so excited about this year! We are making more efforts to reaching out to the local community, businesses, and non-profit organizations…by having a community-focused vision! We hope that you will join us in participating in our 2nd Annual Holiday Drive benefiting orphan and foster children in the state of Arizona.

Spread the word about it, and have a wonderful winter season!